Feature documentary
One trans man’s pioneering quest to fulfill an age-old desire: starting his own family. This is the story of the dad who gave birth.
Best Documentary nomination
BIFA 2019
“Unforgettable” Award: Freddy McConnell
Cinema Eye Honours 2020
Tribeca Film Festival (World Premiere)
Hot Docs Documentary Festival
Sheffield Doc/Fest (European Premiere)
Frameline San Francisco LGBTQ+ Festival
Doxa Documentary FF, Vancouver
QDoc Film Festival, Portland
Doc Edge Festival, New Zealand
Melbourne Intl Film Festival
Directed by Jeanie Finlay
BBC Storyville for BBC2
A Grain Media Production
In Association with Glimmer Films & The Guardian
Development supported by Wellcome Trust
International Sales: Submarine
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ - The Guardian
“a moving study of a man who gave birth … always feels intimately personal, he’s one of us and one of a kind.” (Charles Bramesco)
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ - Financial Times
“An astonishing, unmissable story…. Unexpected is the sheer breadth of insight bound up with his experience - the fragility of romantic relationships; the psychic connection of all pregnancies to parents a generation back. McConnell is never less than self-aware - once expecting he remarks that if all men could experience morning sickness the world would never hear the end of it - a complaint made while being , and doing just that.” (Danny Leigh)
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ - Now Toronto
”Finlay treats her remarkable subject in the way that we hope other pregnant trans men will one day be regarded: as ordinary.”
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ - Little White Lies
”Finlay’s film feels like a quiet but powerful step towards a more understanding society, in which individuals are not only granted autonomy over their own bodies and reproductive rights but find acceptance too.”
“One of the most moving things I have ever witnessed. I am forever changed”. - Portland Observer
“An engaging, empathetic and affecting film from master documentarian Jeanie Finlay” - Mark Kermode
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ - The Scotsman
”a fascinating and clear-eyed look at the positive ways people can make a difference by being true to themselves”
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ - The Reviews Hub “dignified and ultimately inspirational”
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ - Film Era “powerful documentary of trans parenthood”
“an intimate and revealing interrogation of masculinity and gender… [an] emotional, (extra)ordinary journey to start a family” - OUT magazine
"Pushes at all assumptions about family, love, and the body. See it! You will cry!" Jennie Livingstone – Director of Paris is Burning
“A tender – and rather wonderful – documentary about love, family, fallouts, raging hormones and the complexities of identity” - Simon Hattenstone, The Guardian
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ - The Telegraph “an unflinchingly honest film that doesn't sugarcoat its subject”
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ - TV Times
“A moving account of love and family” - Pink News
“A brilliant story of intimate companionship and fatherhood” - Screen Queens